The ‘Karic Brothers’ Award Laureates in 2006


The opening speech of Prof Dr Tomislav Djokic, winner of the award for research and scientific work in 2005


In the times of great temptations, the graciousness of the need to award the people around us becomes unique and dignified. For the past nine years that dignity beautifies the Karic Brothers Award, which has proven to be the most significant national recognition since it first appeared in 1998.
The categories, for which it is presented, the names of the laureates, but also this unique atmosphere during the presentation ceremony, have become a wonderful tradition of the Foundation. National history does not include only wars, battles, defeats and victories, but also people who, in those rare periods of peace, contribute to a much better and happier living through their deeds. That is the perspective from which this award should be viewed – as an expression of appreciation for the present and the future that comes from the Serbian family that has established this award. I thank them from the bottom of my heart.
It is imperative to endure in the times of temptation, and safeguard this award from the unrest that surrounds us. The award has lasted through the bombing period, sanctions, and the terrific pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija. Tonight it reflects not only its permanence, but also its strength and its aim to last for centuries, and cherish the best.
I congratulate this year’s laureates for the exceptional honour to go down in history owing to the Karic Brothers Award as well.


AŠHEN ATALJANC, prima ballerina

Hearing the words Ašhen Ataljanc all of us who had the privilege of seeing her on stage in the Swan Lake, Don Kichotte, Sleeping Beauty, Giselle, Samson and Delilah and many other roles, experience that electrifying feeling that only the greatest artists can generate.

Extract from the winner’s speech:
“I am not familiar with communicating with the audience with words. I am very sorry that I cannot dance tonight and thus share with you my happiness, my feelings and thoughts, since this is the best way for me. Of course, I would like to thank the Kari} Foundation for this exceptional award and all those people who felt that I deserved it.”


Professor MIODRAG STOJKOVIĆ, embryologist

A landmark date in the history of science will always be connected to the name of a young Serbian scientist, doctor Stojkovic. In August 2004, doctor Stojkovi}, the first and the only one in Europe at the time, was given license to start cloning human embryos to harvest stem cells. The famous Times Magazine listed our own doctor Stojkovi} among twelve most influential persons at the world scene in the field of technological development.

Extract from the winner’s speech:
“ I am thankful from the bottom of my heart for this honor, for this award which does not only mean support and promotion but an obligation as well. It should serve as a road sign to new young talents in our country on how to move ahead. I would like to thank the Kari} Foundation for this extraordinary honor. Part of the success should also be credited to our Serbian stubbornness which helped me achieve what I have.”



A man who seeks to develop agriculture as major Serbian brand, exceed the national borders and become the first in the region, is the right example to follow. Success is guaranteed if this task is approached with entrepreneurial skills and good-governance traditions. Mr. Dimitrije Lu~ar is the best proof for this.

Extract from the winner’s speech:
“The most prestigious companies from Switzerland, Canada, the Netherlands, England, wish to cooperate with our company. We shall not stop, health permitting and God willing, as long as we love what we do and our country. Our company will develop and grow, since the “Braca Kari}” Award is not only an extraordinary honor but an obligation as well. We shall make every effort to live up to it and that the Award remains proud of the Lucar family in the futures, the same as we are proud of it.”


JIRI DIENSTBIER, Ph. D. Philosophy, journalist, diplomat

A genuine friend, Jiri Dienstbier understands the importance of our country in the region. His selfless efforts to change the image of our country in the world is fascinating as well as his commitment to make others see us as part of European culture and civilization to which we made contribution over the centuries. One of the first to voice his opposition to air-strikes against our country in the face of international pressure, he emphasized the dangers to the region and Europe posed by the idea of independent Kosovo. On each and every occasion he pointed out that European Union would not be complete without Serbia.

Extract from the winner’s speech:
“Here, the same as at home I am an optimist because I am fond of your country. A wise man once said: “Optimism is not a consequence of the lack of information or a brain defect but a success strategy.” Everything is up to us, if we are willing and resolved. Thank you very much. This is recognition for the positions which I have steadfastly defended all along. Next year again in the same place, we shall meet again, God willing, for the tenth anniversary.”