The ‘Karic Brothers’ Award Laureates in 1998


The opening speech of Mrs Milankа Marа Karic president of Karic foundation.

Dear friends,

And being completely aware of the responsibility I shall deliver my speech with pride and great fear which, I hope, you will not notice.

The Karic Foundation has decided to introduce this award drawing on previous experiences of other foundations and endowments, both here and worldwide, with the desire to encourage the spheres which we believe are basic to every community. Cicero said: Do not ask your country what it can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for your country. Later Winston Churchill and John Kennedy would repeat this sentence.

Bearing these words in mind, let this be a modest contribution of the Karic family to their homeland. Thus we may, by this small step, approach the greatness of benefactors such as Kapetan Misa, Tekelija, Kolarac, Spasic, Dundjerski or Luka Celovic, who are remembered, not because of the salt trade, or brewing industry, but by the material and spiritual heritage they endowed and built up for their people.

So, let this be a brick in that imposing building of our national endowments.



The jury’s justification stated that his work has joined, reinstated and advanced two vital fields – Serbian music and spiritual tradition.

Extract from the winner’s speech:
“II am glad to be the winner of this newly established and by far the most luxurious award in our country, the Karic Foundation Award. I am proud to be a member of the initial quintet of Award winners. This grand award has established the Raska-Byzantine principle of merit for both the founders and the contributors. The glory of spirit and substance has been revived on our soil. The home of Makarije Sokolovic in Pec is trimmed with gold. The Ljeviska Church is brought to life. With the Raska chanting and in ecumenical unity, we have reached out to the world, which we are part of.”


Academician Mr MIODRAG OSTOJIĆ, cardiologist

The world pioneer in applying several combined methods of discovering narrowed arteries at an early stage. He is a renowned lecturer of many foreign universities.

Extract from the winner’s speech:
“IEach donation or a wish to share with others is a noble act. A story about a pauper willing to share his last crust of bread with a starved stranger is regarded as a symbol of generosity amongst our people and the other around the world. It is our luck to have successful companies such as the ‘Karic Brothers’ Company whose owners are wealthy people who have succeeded in preserving the soul of that generous poor man, making it even nobler. That is something they should be especially congratulated on, in addition to the congratulations on their great business success in the past 25 years. I also wish to express my gratitude for this recognition and this valuable award.



It had coordinated and executed a series of projects that in effect created the economic happenings in the former Yugoslavia and SRY, and at present is the promoter of the modern transitional concept and reform of Serbian economy.

Extract from the speech of Vera Leko, managing director:
“II wish to thank you for this recognition and for this valuable award. The Institute of Economics knows how to appreciates this form of acknowledgment, which represents a huge encouragement to maintain high professional standards our Institute has been known for over the last fifty years of its existence. You can rest assured that the financial reward that derives from this recognition will be put to use strictly in accordance with the humane and progressive objectives that the Karic Foundation has formulated in the criteria for the award nomination.”



The jury’s justification stated that he is the doyen of Serbian journalism who marked eight decades by his presence.



Patriarch Pavle has ceded the financial part of the award in favour of the Hilandar Monastery on the occasion of its 800th Anniversary. In his exposition Patriarch Pavle has said that Hilandar is in every sense the oldest and most commendable.