The opening speech of Mrs Milankа Marа Karic president of Karic foundation.
Dear laureates,
ladies and gentlemen,
our dear friends,
Promotion of the award for the topmost achievements is highly responsible, exceptionally solemn, but primarily honorable and joyful act.
The responsibility of the jury, the Karic foundation, was enormous. Ever since it has been established, there has been outstanding rivalry for the Award. While congratulating the winners, I would like to thank, with sincere respect, to all those whose names and works were under view and conscience of the jury.
All our laureates with their names and works, twenty of them as from today, will present to the world, in the most explicit way, the essence and intention of the “Karic Brothers” Award. Its intention is to give a stimulation and motive to all those who do creative work. Its intention is to last and it will last as long as there are outstandingly creative, human and kind people among us, and in the whole world.
Dear laureates, I wish to congratulate you in the name of my family who established the “Karic Brothers” Award, with belief in unexhaustive reason and excellence of the people it belongs to. My congratulations also go to your families, friends and collaborators, without whose love and support you would not have achieved as much as you had.
Because, also due to you, this world is better and more generous …
I am free to say that a gratitude of entire our people has been woven into this Award. It holds the name of the respectable Serbian Karic family, who has been finding, ever since its beginnings, the strength and success in family devotion, devotion to its Orthodox Christianity and its people, in mutual love, harmony and self sacrifice, just as our Vladika Nikolay used to say:
“We need faith so that we can hope, hope – so that we can live, and love – so thatwe can live as a civilized people.”
“The path that leads to flourishing humanity is called sacrifice: Sacrifice of the rich to the poor; scholars to the ignorant; great to the small; individuals to the wholeness.”